Friday, March 27, 2009


Some how about 2 1/2 years have passed since I've seen my best friend Kendra. We were roommates in college and have become even closer friends as the years have passed. She just had her first baby Stanley John beginning of January so I've been dying to get out to see her and finally was able to 2 weeks ago. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law offered to stay with the kids so I didn't have to take them and could just enjoy some good quality friend time - THANK YOU Vera and Traci!!!!! :) You know you are awesome friends when 2 1/2 years have passed and it felt like we had just seen each other last week - we do chat on the phone a lot! :)

Stanley was about 10 weeks old when I was there.

Awesome mommy and her cute baby boy!

Oh did I have so much fun holding and snuggling this sweet baby boy!
Stanley has the best hair ever - seriously check him out! :) Eric (Kendra's husband) and I were having some fun with him - so stinkin cute!

At the airport saying good-bye - sniff sniff - it was so much fun. We have plans to meet in St. Louis this summer so glad I have that to look forward to!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Love the crazy hair picture! What a cute baby! :)