Saturday, January 16, 2010

Winter Randomness

Once again, how long has it been since I've posted? My blogger friends have given up on me I think! :) It's saturday morning, Micah's at work and kids playing nice together - having a "party"in Ethan's room so I'm catching up on some computer stuff. I'm 20 weeks today, can't believe half way there. I've been feeling the baby moving around for weeks now - I keep telling myself it's because it's the 3rd that I feel it so much and not that this baby is so busy because I feel it constantly. I had 8 week ultrasound and Doctor kept saying he couldn't believe how busy the baby was at such young stage - I'm trying to ignore that! Ultrasound again this week and we decided to not find out again. Micah of course is adamant about not knowing, I go back and forth. Potty training with Ethan has been in full swing. It's been so much harder with him than Kayla but we're plugging along - some good days some bad. Highlighted pics of the last month.

One of Kayla's favorite gifts was Easy Bake oven from my mom - she loves to bake and always wants to help me in the kitchen.

This was Micah's doing - they didn't have Ethan's size so it's huge but lots of growing room. Micah was having him practice stances, drills, etc. We all decided his constant injuries is prepping him for football. We'll see...........

SNOW SNOW SNOW - that about sums up past couple weeks. It was high of single digits for quite awhile but finally one day we bundled up and enjoyed some snow time.

Micah had few days off around Christmas/New Years so he finally got our bathroom tiling done. Yeah! Now we can enjoy it for a few months. We are listing our house in March so we will see what happens!